I started cycling 15 years ago for the exercise.
Motto: Slow and steady is the way to go.
I now spend a lot of time on the trail as a volunteer.
I like to travel as well, normally by car but for the long distances I will fly.
Photo the North River looking south We had 10 cm, then rain which capped the snow By noon it was -4 with winds up to 90 km/h 30 minutes with snow blower clearing driveway 15 km on exercise bike
At least 8 Cedar Waxwings were having lunch this morning in crab apple tree +7 temp this afternoon, Spend some time repacking wheel bearings on bicycle, had to replace 1 spoke on rear wheel. 15 km on exercise bike
"It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities" J K Rowling. -24 this morning, up to -12 at 3:00 PM when I had a 30 minute walk. 20 km on exercise bike
Photo of crows taken app 8:00 AM temp -23 at time. Crows were on roof (sounded like someone hammering) I think trying to get grit of the shingles. At 4:00 PM I did 30 minute walk in woods, temp was still -18. 15 km on exercise bike
50 cm of snow with high winds on January 1. Lots of snow for the snowmobiles now. No cycling on the trail for a while I logged 10 km yesterday and 20 km today on the exercise bike.